Category: Hanga | Create

Last Blog Post

♠Kia ora everyone♠. Today is probably my last blog post and I am very disappointed. I have enjoyed all the conversations we have had. And I will miss all of the replies, comments and questions. I wish all the best for all year 6’s our principle, and deputies. I hope all of the year fives enjoy their time here. I hope to see some familiar faces at intermediate.

Thank you,


Ponder 8 The Explorers

♠Kia ora bloggers!♠ I would eat the bird and maybe the tarantula because I would not mind if it was a weird species and hoped it would taste like chicken. For the tarantula I would eat it because it would be interesting to eat something I haven’t tried! What would you eat and why? Blog ya later.

The Explorers Ponder 5

Kia ora, bloggers!

Personally I would be in the water to clean myself I would still be very cautious and I would be near the shore so I could jump out of the water if needed. I would need to drink water to survive.

Would you go to the rivers and water and use them? I would love to know!

Blog ya later.

The Explorers Ponder 4

Kia ora Bloggers! I will write my sentence and you have to rate it!

“Quivering, I gasped for air, petrified and cold, my lips are blue as I pass out onto the cold mushy ground,”

Can you write your sentence? And which one is your favourite piece of writing that you’ve done?


Explorers Ponder 3

Mālō ni bloggers! today we are answering the question:

I would feel terrified and cautious while feeling homesick I  would be scared and tired I would not like to be alone I would much rather have someone with me it might seem selfish but if I had a person that survived with me then I would much more prefer it. How would you feel? and why would you feel that way.

The Explorer Ponder 2

Fakalofa lahi atu Bloggers! Our question for today is

I would like to bring: 90L water to survive,some food to not having to scavenge, axe for chopping wood and protecting myself from predators,I mirror to reflect onto things for signals and to start fires.

What would you bring,why? Describe how you got stranded there! Blog ya later!

The Explorer Ponder 1

Today we are answering today’s question!

I would like to go to the Brazilian forest so I could see different plants and animals so I could see their diet as well as take some plant samples home! It would be very exciting to see all the sights there as well. Where would you go and why? Bye!

Maritime Mystery Adventures

Kia ora! Yesterday (21-9-23) we went on a trip to the Maritime Museum.

We went so we could learn more about change and a little bit of the history about the museum and immigration. First we were learning about immigration and how they found land. Some followed the southern cross, birds, clouds and the moon and sun.

After that we went on the boat pulled the sails up and sailed under the Harbour Bridge and back. My friend and I saw some fish in the distance, when we came back we did a tour around the place and there were many different facts about it! I really enjoyed the trip and hope I can go back soon!

Have you ever gone to the Maritime Museum?

Blog ya later!